Sunday, November 2, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Bluetooth Settings Configuration [Beginners Guide]

This article will walk you through activating Bluetooth function on Samsung Galaxy Note 4 as well as pairing it with a Bluetooth headset or other Bluetooth-enabled devices for file transfer or sharing purposes.

Follow these steps to:

A. Enable/Disable Bluetooth on Galaxy Note 4

You need to turn Bluetooth on or enable the feature to use/pair your Galaxy Note 4 with other Bluetooth-enabled devices including Bluetooth headset. Follow these steps:

1. Tap Apps from any Home screen.
2. Tap on Settings.
3. Scroll to Network Connections.
4. Tap to select Bluetooth.
5. Tap or slide the Bluetooth Switch right to turn the feature on/enabled. You will know when the feature is on if it appears green and positioned right. If it's off, it's grey or positioned left.

Now that you already have enabled Bluetooth, you can now pair your Galaxy Note 4 with other Bluetooth-enabled device. Follow these steps to scan for any available devices to pair with your Note 4.

B. Pair Bluetooth Device

Here are the steps to pair your Note 4 with other Bluetooth-enabled devices:

1. Tap Apps from any Home screen.
2. Tap Settings.
3. Scroll to Network Connections.
4. Tap to select Bluetooth.

5. A list of Bluetooth-enabled devices will now be displayed under Available Devices. Tap on the device you want to pair with your Note 4. If you don't see any, then tap Scan to search again.

6. If prompted, enter the pairing passcode. Default passcode is 1234.

7. Now on the other device, enter the passcode (if necessary) then accept the pairing.

Both devices are now paired, so you may start transferring or sharing files from/to your Galaxy Note 4. And that should do it!
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