One of the most powerful android devices that has been produced by Samsung a few years back is the Galaxy S5. Unlike to the latest android devices, the Galaxy S5 has a removable battery that can be replaced easily by the user if the battery is not functioning normally. But even though how powerful the device is, there is no guarantee that it doesn't have flaws. In this troubleshooting guide, I'll tackle a complaint we received from one of our readers saying that the Galaxy S5 is occasionally rebooting even the device is on its stand by mode.
The fact, that the device is able to power on there is a possibility that this is just a software-related issue. It could be due to incompatible apps affect the system or the firmware itself is outdated and caused the system to crash without apparent reason. That being said, here are the methods that you should do:
Step 1: Verify if a rogue app triggered the issue by restarting your Galaxy S5 in Safe mode
If one of your apps is incompatible and crashing that may be the reason that the operating system is functioning abnormally and triggered your phone from restarting occasionally. So, this time, we have to boot it in safe mode to disable temporarily all downloaded applications. If the device is not restarting while in this diagnostic state, then, there might be an app you need to uninstall from the system. This is how you boot it in safe mode:
- Turn the device off.
- Press and hold the Power key.
- When 'Samsung Galaxy S5' appears on the screen, release the Power key.
- Immediately after releasing the Power key, press and hold the Volume Down key.
- Continue to hold the Volume Down key until the device finishes restarting.
- Safe mode will display in the bottom left corner of the screen.
- Release the Volume Down key when you see safe mode.
However, while in safe mode and your phone still restarting, proceed to the next procedure.
Step 2: Wipe the Cache Partition
Sometimes, it is because of outdated system caches the device is unable to run smoothly and efficiently and caused some performance-related issues. So, this time, we have delete all files and data in the directory to be sure that all of it are updated and compatible to the system.
- Turn the device off.
- Press and hold the following three buttons at the same time: Volume Up key, Home key and Power key.
- When the phone vibrates, release the Power key but continue to press and hold the Home key and Volume Up key.
- When the Android System recovery screen appears, release the Volume Up key and Home key.
- Press the Volume Down key to highlight 'Wipe cache partition.'
- Press the Power key to select it.
- When the wipe cache partition is complete, 'Reboot system now' is highlighted.
- Press the Power key to restart the device.
After deleting all old files and data and your phone is not anymore restarting, it is evident that an outdated ones were causing the issue. But if the issue persists, your phone might having a serious problem and you can proceed to the next step.
Step 3: Perform a reset on your phone
Remember, this procedure is much more complicated compared to other methods you performed on your phone because all your files will be deleted once you proceed to the steps. So, before you can follow the steps we suggest you to create first a backup for all your files or transfer it to your SD card or personal computer.
- Power down your Galaxy S5.
- Press and hold the Volume Up button, the Home button and the Power button together until you see the Android on screen.
- Use the Volume Down to highlight the wipe data/ factory reset option and press the Power button to select it.
- Use Volume Down again to highlight Yes-delete all user data and press the Power key to select it.
- Use the Power button to select Reboot system now.
- When the S5 restarts it should be completely wiped and ready and ready to set up again.
But after you do the reset and the issue still happening, then you don't have a choice but to bring it to the local shop in your area to be check by the tech.